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Address Verification Software and Services

Address verification software and services help businesses maintain the accuracy of customer addresses. This software identifies missing address information and keeps the database updated with real-time validation. An accurate customer database can help a business improve its business processes and ensure timely deliveries. It also improves customer satisfaction and brand presence. Address verification software can save a business from manual data entry and physical visits.

Address verification is particularly important for organizations that do business globally. Often, data gets stored in different databases and systems of record. With address verification, an organization can simplify communication with shipping carriers and maintain accurate customer data. Address verification software compares user-input addresses to a standard database to ensure their accuracy.

Egon's address verification solution enables online validation of customer addresses and integrates with other software and infrastructures. It supports IBM, Oracle, Google, Microsoft, and SAP. It also offers features like geocoding and database duplication. Further, it can be integrated with other company software. These features make address verification services easy to use for all users.

Address verification software and services help businesses standardize customer mailing addresses. The accuracy of these addresses is critical to marketing campaigns. Some software can be used by small businesses, medium-sized companies, and enterprises.




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